Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Xbox 360 Saga

Probably not getting an Xbox anytime soon. I went to Best Buy yesterday and bought a couple of PC games with one of my gift cards. I picked up the new expansion to Civ 4, Beyond the Sword. It has some interesting stuff in it, I've only played through once. I also got the Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth Anthology. It has LOTR:BME 1 and 2, as well as the expansion for 2, all for 40 bucks. I thought that was a pretty good deal; I had been looking at getting one or the other for a while.

So, I have some new PC games. It won't let me play Halo 3 or GTA, but I'll live. And I decided I don't really like NCAA football anymore, they've messed with the recruiting system so much and still haven't fixed the ridiculous discipline system. ("I know you killed somebody, son, and it's going to get us into big trouble with the NCAA, but I just don't have enough discipline points left to sit you for a game.")

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