Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The NFL stinks

The end of the Steelers-Chargers game just tells you what a bunch of humorless, incompetent jerkfaces the NFL is.

The game was, for the most part, dreadful. They had a nice, fun ending that would have left fans with a positive view of what was otherwise a horrible ordeal. Instead,

1) they ruin it with an instant replay and

2) then they mess up the call.

And don't get me started on holding.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Avoiding offending people at all costs.

From an article about getting rid of Latin phrases in local governments in England:
Linguistic controversies are nothing new in Britain, cradle of the English language, where people have strong opinions on what constitutes proper usage. In recent years officials have moved to avoid language that gives offense to ethnic minorities, disabled people and other groups.
Predictably, some feel the drive has gone too far. Many were bemused earlier this year when it was reported that a town council had banned the word "brainstorm" because it might offend people with epilepsy, a condition that involves periodic electrical storms inside the brain. Tunbridge Wells council advised using "thought showers" instead.

"Thought showers."

Sweet mother of pearl.