Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why I Am a Facebook Luddite.

I had lunch with a friend of mine yesterday and he was talking about Facebook. Bah.

Facebook stinks.

The truth is, I have no real reason to be anti-Facebook. I have been a computer nerd from way back. Email, AIM, IRC; I was chatting on a BSS on dial-up 300 baud modems for crying out Pete. Why am I such a Facebook hater?

"But I have gotten in touch with so many people I went to (elementary/high school/college) with!"

If they are so great, why did you lose touch with them in the first place?

People used to call their friends or write letters. Then we got email. Email was awesome. Now, these people check Facebook to see if someone sent them a message. They can set it send an email to them when they have a message from someone. That's like having the post office send you a postcard to come pick up a letter that somebody sent you.

I will probably end up doing it. I realize this. This is probably one of the other reasons I am so opposed to it, because I know I will give in, just like I did with the mobile phone.
